When you attend a funeral, you do it with the intention of respecting a loved one. One Hawaiian tradition that will allow you to do that is wearing and giving a lei. As with any time-honored tradition, there are specific customs surrounding funerary lei. Learn about funeral lei etiquette below.
Picking a Lei To Wear
You have infinite options in terms of the types of memorial lei you can wear to a funeral. You can choose from a range of colors, ranging from bright hues to less vivid tones.
You can also pick lei based on the beautiful aromas they produce. What is most essential is that you wear a lei that represents the person you loved and cherished and shows the proper respect.
What To Do With Your Lei After the Funeral
The time-honored traditions of funeral lei etiquette include leaving your lei behind. One option is to give it to the loved one’s family to express the sentiment that you will be there to provide support.
You can also place it on the loved one’s casket or a photo of them. Other options include leaving the lei in a place that was important to your loved one or tossing it into the ocean. For the latter option, you may want to remove the flowers from your lei before dropping them into the water.
Handling Lei During a Paddle-Out Service
Lei also play an important part during a paddle-out ceremony, which is another Hawaiian tradition to commemorate and celebrate the life of a departed loved one. During this ceremony, participants paddle out to sea, form a circle, and share memories and stories of the departed.
When participating in a paddle-out service, you can bring lei to place in the water in honor of the departed. The act of setting lei adrift symbolizes letting go and moving forward while still cherishing the memories of the departed.
Now you know the customs involving funeral lei. If you want to buy high-quality memorial lei to honor your loved one, contact Hawai’i Lei Stand. Our beautiful handmade products will allow you to pay a respectful tribute to your dearly departed.